How much does it cost to get to Cancun from Tampico? Choose if you travel by plane or by bus


We tell you how and how much you should budget to get to the important tourist site

The arrival of Holy Week is imminent and with it the holiday period, so if you are looking for a place with sun and sand, we will tell you how much it costs to get to one of the most popular tourist destinations in our country, Cancun, whether you are traveling by plane or by bus:

If you travel by plane from Tampico to Cancun

Undoubtedly the best way to arrive at the Mexican Caribe is by plane. At the Tampico International Airport, two airlines can take you to the renowned tourist site.

Viva Aerobus offers a direct, one-way flight, whose price ranges from 1,065 to 1,079 pesos that leaves at 8:15 a.m. to arrive in Cancun at 11:10 a.m., an approximate three-hour flight.

While Aeroméxico has a wide variety of schedules, however, all its flights are connected to the Mexico City airport, for a total of approximately 5 to 6 hours of travel. Similarly, direct ticket costs are higher and can range from 2,227 to 7,992 pesos.

Remember that to these prices you must add the Airport Use Fee (TUA), which in Tampico is 795 pesos. That is, if you travel by Viva Aerobus, getting to Cancun would cost you 1,874 pesos.

If you travel by bus from Tampico to Cancun

If you are looking for a cheaper option, there is the one to travel by road by bus. Consider that in Tampico there are no direct transfers to Quintana Roo, so it is best to travel to Mexico City to transfer to Cancun.

Among the advantages of this medium is that ADO, Omnibus de México or Futura offer regular departures to the capital of the country and with prices ranging from 733 to 832 pesos.

If you arrive at the North Central of Mexico City, go to the ADO line to purchase a ticket to Cancun, which is priced at 1,988 pesos. Between both trips, you get a total of approximately 2,800 pesos.

Consider that the bus takes one day to reach its destination, to which you must add the approximately six hours from Tampico to Mexico City. Now that you know what it costs to go to Cancun, would you go by plane or bus?

Source: El Sol de Tampico