Hotels Report 100% Occupancy in Southern Tamaulipas


Tourists from different parts of the republic have arrived in the southern area of Tamaulipas.

Hoteliers and merchants in the southern area report good occupancy and economic revenue during these Easter holiday vacation days.

The National Chamber of Commerce in Tampico, led by Carlos Muñoz, revealed that there has been an increase in the influx of visitors due to the good weather and sufficient heat that encourages people to visit this area.

A very important indicator is the vehicular flow on the highways, which has been reported to have a considerable number of motorists on their way; some have already arrived, and others are about to do so in this region, so the sales expectations for merchants are highly positive.

On the other hand, hotels in Miramar Beach and the tourist areas of Tampico are already reporting 100% occupancy, assured the business entrepreneur.

Muñoz specified that the tourists visiting the south of Tamaulipas come from Mexico City, the State of Mexico, Monterrey, Hidalgo, San Luis Potosí, the northern part of Veracruz, Querétaro, and even from abroad.

Currently, the area has more tourist attractions; it’s not just about Miramar Beach anymore, but the opening of new museums such as the car museum, the Tampico City Museum, which tells the history of the cradle of aviation and oil, make the tourists’ visit much richer, in addition to facilities like the Carpintero Lagoon, the Historic Center, and the Tampico Markets, among other attractions.

At the state level, the economic revenue expected for the commercial sector is 3 billion pesos for the Holy Days; just in Tampico, the tourist expectation is half a million people, and for the entire vacation season at the state level, it is more than 2 million visitors, according to data from the state Tourism.

Therefore, the fact that hotels in Miramar Beach and the tourist area of Tampico are at the top is not surprising because since the end of the pandemic, the recovery in tourism has been constant, highlighted the Canaco in Tampico.

Source: El Sol de Tampico