The Oil Congress will certify Tampico as a “professional destination” in business tourism


The holding of the Mexican Petroleum Congress (CMP) will certify Tampico and the southern zone of Tamaulipas as a destination for holding conventions and consolidating itself in the field of business tourism, by hosting the most important event of the hydrocarbons industry that annually is held in Mexico, said promoters of the entity.

Upon confirming the meeting for 2024, the director of the Convention and Visitors Bureau (OCV), Francisco Vallejo Castellanos, highlighted this fact as unprecedented because although the city received important events in the private sector, having the entire oil industry in a single place raises the level and status of the region.

On Saturday, the convention’s banner was handed over by Campeche Governor Layda Sansores to her Tamaulipas counterpart Américo Villarreal Anaya, who in turn promised that the event intends to surpass the good organization of recent days in the southeast of the country. A spill of more than 123 million pesos is forecast.

“It is the most important event that Tampico receives if we go to the subject of the energy or oil sector. Due to the magnitude of the number of attendees, the type of companies, the dates destined and the complementary activities, it has such a high relevance that it surely certifies the metropolitan area as a professional destination to receive congresses and conventions”, said the director.

During the celebration of the XVII Congress in Campeche, more than 8 thousand attendees gathered in four days of activity in the southeastern state, as well as oil companies from 10 countries in America, Europe and Asia, suppliers, students, and federal government officials, to expose the current situation of the sector, the advances and areas of opportunity.

The southern part of the state has a new convention. During the past Tianguis Turístico in Mexico City, the port was notified as the meeting point for the congress industry, scheduled for 2025.

According to the Ministry of Energy and the National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH), Tamaulipas has the potential to receive investments of over 45 billion dollars in a period of 20 years derived from the energy reform, the tenders of the rounds for contracts, as well as the evaluation, drilling and development of the fields in the Burgos Basin, a portion of the Tampico-Misantla and in shallow and deep waters in the Gulf of Mexico.

In the last decade, this town was designated as a meeting point for associations, chambers and institutions of the national private initiative. From the transformation industry, women entrepreneurs, the real estate sector as an insurer, held assemblies and conventions in the port.

Within the energy sector, in 2018 and 2019 the ENERTAM forums were held, exclusively for companies installed in the entity, both oil and renewable. The most recent was the Latin American Congress, in June of last year, with the presence of authorities and companies from Ecuador, Chile, Argentina and Brazil.

Source: Milenio