Two years ago Evy left Colombia to travel the world, now she is in Tamaulipas


La Caballera Pedalante, as she calls herself on her social networks, is resting in Tula, Tamaulipas, where she will spend the weekend to resume her journey to where her legs and her bicycle “Shakira ” take her.

Evy is a young traveler who left her native Barranquilla in Colombia to embark on an adventure that has taken her to different places and countries, filling her with experiences and good friends along the way.

Evy plays the viola to pay for her travels, her food and sometimes, when she’s lucky, her lodging, although most of the time she spreads out her mat or hangs her hammock to sleep under the moonlight and stars.

In the Magic Town of Tula, Evy has been well received by the inhabitants, they even lent her a hotel room so that she could rest comfortably and safely.

The young traveler shares her adventures through her TikTok and Facebook account, where she uploads photos and videos of the places she visits and narrates the wonderful experiences she has been living.

“I let my hair tangle to her liking and I walk the towns humming invented melodies.

I don’t know if I’ll be able to fulfill that dream of taking a long trip on a catamaran but I keep writing about it in my diary, with sea blue tint.

I no longer put on makeup to walk the towns and I don’t take photos of everything.

I also don’t need my inflatable mat to be wider because my body has learned to sleep without slipping out and my sleeping bag has learned to sing lullabies at night after long and exhausting climbs,” she read in one post.

Source: Hoy Tamaulipas