Marriott will arrive in Tamaulipas with a new hotel in the Carpintero lagoon in Tampico


The building will be built near the fairgrounds, and it will be ready in a year, the governor reported after a visit by franchise managers

Governor Américo Villarreal Anaya reported that the five-star level building is part of the projects in the field, to add to the reconversion of the port and the downtown area for recreation and to attract of visitors from other parts of the state

“Last week we had the visit of hotel businessmen from the Marriott firm, who committed to the construction, in one year, of a five-star hotel in the Carpintero lagoon, next to the Convention Center and the Metropolitan Theater, a work that it will strengthen the tourist infrastructure of the southern zone”, he explained.

Marriott Hotels and Resorts is the full-service brand of Marriott International, headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland. As of June 30, 2020, it had 582 lodging points, calculated at more than 205,000 rooms, in addition to planning 160 new spaces to add more than 47,000 rooms.

In the country they manage various options, focused on recreation and rest, as focused on business tourism, distributed in Mexico City, Monterrey, Guadalajara, Cancun, Acapulco, among others.

It should be noted that the City Express brand is the last to invest with a new hotel in Tampico when it opened its doors in 2018. Another one was counted years before in Altamira, while Hotsson acquired the Camino Real facilities, on Hidalgo Avenue, as a Royal Mansion in the Plaza de Armas.

To this, the state governor pointed out the management of uniting the port and making a conversion change, from cargo and merchandise into a tourist destination, complemented by the first and second square of the city.

“We are working with businessmen from the port of Tampico to develop a tourist corridor in the center of the city and the former Customs building, which represents an attractive walk for visitors,” concluded Villarreal Anaya.

Source: Milenio