For Easter, hoteliers in Tampico and Madero foresee 100% occupancy


For the hoteliers that comprise Tampico and Madero, the occupancy will be at 100%, having the confidence of a better panorama in Holy Week

The hoteliers of Tampico and Madero affirm that as the Easter season approaches, the occupancy will be at 100%, thanks to the fact that COVID-19 has given a truce after two severe years.

Derived from the positive panorama, they are analyzing the hiring of more personnel, in addition to scheduling training and workshops for the personnel who work in the lodging centers.

The objective is to be in order in terms of the requirements of the health authorities, since they expect occupancy to be 100% during Easter.

“Above all, we are preparing our staff with training provided by different agencies, including the health sector and COFEPRIS, planning the dates for the courses and workshops that are given, in order to continue with the prevention measures that have been implemented.”

The president of the South Tamaulipas Hotel Association, Alberto Ortega Ortega, mentioned that there are still several events on the horizon before the arrival of vacationers for the Easter celebrations.

However, the sector is preparing itself by considering that the low restrictions due to Covid-19 will have a favorable impact on increase in tourists.

Regarding a possible increase in the number of employees that can occur in the sector due to the arrival of the high holiday season.

In this sense, Ortega Ortega pointed out that “as the dates get closer, according to their needs, each hotel will look for the personnel it needs.”

He added that since this month of February there is already a request for reservations for the Easter season and it is estimated that the 2,400 rooms will be occupied, which are 60% in Tampico, while 25% in Madero, being the largest number of hotels located on the coastal boulevard.

Although the Southern Tamaulipas Hotel Association assured that they will be at 100% occupancy, so they expect reservations to be maintained in this upcoming Easter holiday season.

Source: El Sol de Tampico