Tamaulipas ranks 1st as the happiest state and best quality of life in Mexico


The happiness and well-being index in Mexicans fell, even so, Tamaulipas stood out for being the happiest state in Mexico, according to the results of the latest survey by Arias Consultores. This survey was conducted from July 29 to August 2, 2021, by social networks to 18,650 Mexican citizens.

In the country, the majority of Mexicans say they feel happy with all aspects of their life, despite presenting a slight decrease of -3.0%, 48.4% of citizens believe they feel this way, while 44.8% think they feel in good shape. neutral. With a minimum percentage, only 6.9% believe they feel unhappy. Therefore, it can be said that in general Mexicans are happy in their lives.

The state with the highest happiness perception index is Tamaulipas. Tamaulipas presented an increase of + 10.5% in their perception of happiness, standing with 65.3%, while only 1.9% are unhappy, being, in the same way, the state with the lowest percentage of being unhappy.

Tamaulipas formará Guías Estatales de Turismo

It is followed by Yucatán and Campeche with 60.2% and 59.8% happiness respectively. Like Tamaulipas, these two states have a minimal percentage of unhappy people. At the other extreme is CDMX, with 22.7% this entity has the lowest percentage of happiness and on the contrary, it has the highest number of unhappy citizens.

A very important item in Mexicans is their quality of life, registering a decrease of -2.6% since the last month. Most of the citizens believe that they have a regular quality of life, that is, neither good nor bad, with 2 out of 4 Mexicans who think this way. While 38.7% think they have a good quality of life and only 8.0% a bad one.

Tamaulipas stands out again for being the state with the highest perception of having a good quality of life with 57.3% according to its citizens. The entity with the worst quality of life according to its citizens is once again CDMX with 18.3%, despite that most of its citizens think they feel regularly.

The greatest loss was registered in the perception of the well-being of Mexicans, with a decrease of -4.1%, even so, most of those surveyed consider having well-being to form a regulator, according to 2 out of 4 citizens. While 39.6% believe they have good well-being, otherwise only 8.6% think that their well-being, in general, is bad.

Oaxaca is the state with the highest percentage of well-being in the country. At least 6 out of 10 citizens believe they have good well-being and only 11.2% a bad one. It is followed by Tamaulipas and Durango with 57.3% and 52.3%. While, for the third time in a row within this evaluation, CDMX is the entity with the lowest percentage of good well-being, on the contrary, its citizens are the ones who most consider having poor well-being in general.

Tamaulipas stood out for being the state with the highest happiness index and good quality of life, just as CDMX was the state with the worst living conditions.

For more information, download the full report of the evaluation carried out by Arias Consultores, below. Also, follow us on our social networks for more content. FULL REPORT

Source: revista32.mx

Tamaulipas Post