Expat history of Miramar Beach Tamaulipas, scene of sports and recreation activities (video)


You don’t need to be a great athlete or go record-breaking to venture out on a Sunday morning

Kayaking, paddleboarding, cycling, swimming, running or a simple walk alone, with friends or family, are part of the activities carried out at Miramar beach.

Playa Miramar, escenario de actividades deportivas y de recreo - El Sol de  Tampico | Noticias Locales, Policiacas, sobre México, Tamaulipas y el Mundo

Even before the sun shows, people begin to arrive at the so-called maximum tourist and, undoubtedly, sporting walk in the southern part of Tamaulipas.

Playa Miramar, escenario de actividades deportivas y de recreo - El Sol de  Tampico | Noticias Locales, Policiacas, sobre México, Tamaulipas y el Mundo

There are those who warm up or stretch to begin their journey by running through the sand or the coastal boulevard, those who drag their board or kayak into the waves, and those who get their bike out of the vehicle

Playa Miramar, escenario de actividades deportivas y de recreo - El Sol de  Tampico | Noticias Locales, Policiacas, sobre México, Tamaulipas y el Mundo


The more than eight kilometers of coastline and the 1.3 kilometers of breakwaters are favorite places on Sunday to develop these activities, sports, or recreation.

There are also those who decided to wake up on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico to see the sunrise that paints the sky of the southern part of Tamaulipas with oranges, yellows and ocher until the sun is discovered and reveals the clarity.

Playa Miramar, escenario de actividades deportivas y de recreo - El Sol de  Tampico | Noticias Locales, Policiacas, sobre México, Tamaulipas y el Mundo

You don’t need to be a great athlete or go to break records to venture out on a Sunday morning, walk, get your feet wet in the clear waters, or just sit and contemplate Miramar beach and its beautiful postcard.

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Source: elsoldetampico.com.mx

Tamaulipas Post