Tamaulipas is one of the top ten Mexican states when it comes to obesity cases


10,000 new cases have been detected in the state recently. And of course those people in this situation are more vulnerable to complications from COVID-19 as well as chronic kidney patients.

More than 10 thousand new cases of obesity have been detected this year in the state of Tamaulipas, according to the report of the Ministry of Health of the federal government and the entity is in the national top ten. In the state, according to official statistics, an obese person is as vulnerable to complications from covid-19 as a chronic kidney patient.

As of week 37 of 2020, Tamaulipas is in ninth place in the nation for new obesity registries, although the statistic reflects a decrease of almost 45% compared to 2019. This was indicated by the Epidemiological Bulletin of the federal Ministry of Health, with cut to week 37 of the year, from January 1st to September 12 of this year, when 10,090 new obesity cases were reported in Tamaulipas.

The number of cases is decreasing in the state because at the same period last year, there were already 18,321 new registrations, that is, 8,231 more. Of the 10,090 new cases in 2020, it appears that the obesity problem is greater in women , since it has 5,810 records (58%) compared to 4,280 for the male gender (42%).

A new food labeling has just been launched to warn consumers of its components.

National figures at the national level indicate, 266 thousand 309 cases of obesity were reported in this period, of which 164 thousand 843 in women, 61.90 percent, and 101 thousand 466 in men, 38.10 percent.

In the country the reduction of cases is 45.87 percent, going from 491 thousand 988 to 266 thousand 309, official figures say.

Obesity complicates coronavirus

27 percent of people who have died from coronavirus in Tamaulipas had obesity, so the Ministry of Health establishes that it is the third most important comorbidity after high blood pressure and diabetes, followed by chronic kidney disease.

That means that an obese patient is more vulnerable than one with chronic kidney disease, according to figures from the health sector. High blood pressure ranks first with 50.47%, followed with 43.21% diabetes, obesity 27.03% and 8.82% chronic renal disease.

Until Friday, September 25, Tamaulipas had a total of 2,265 fatalities due to the coronavirus and almost 28,500 COVID-19 positive cases.

Source: Milenio

Tamaulipas Post