Netflix documentary ‘The Alien Enigma’ that talks about Tampico to premiere November 8th


The Netflix documentary ‘The Alien Enigma’ that will talk about the port of Tampico will premiere tomorrow Friday, November 8th on Netflix.

In the trailer, two cities in the United States are seen and, of course, the presence of Tampico on the Mexican side was highlighted

On October 1, Netflix released the trailer for ‘Investigation Alien’

The UFO phenomenon is well known in the southern area of ​​Tamaulipas, particularly in the city of Tampico, which for years has been linked to sightings of unidentified flying objects; it is even said that it has its own UFO base that protects it from hurricanes.

On October 1, the well-known Netflix series and movie platform, released the trailer for a new documentary that is being added to its catalog called ‘Investigation Alien’, in which George Knapp; known as the UFO reporter, will address the issue of cities such as Ventura, California, Council Bluffs in Iowa and of course, Tampico Tamaulipas.

When will the documentary premiere in Mexico?
It will be next Friday, November 8, when the streaming platform Netflix will make the documentary available, which in Spanish can be found under the name “El enigma Extraterrestre”.

The scoop indicates that they will deal with topics about the UFO reality, what they do in the world and above all what they want, among other things.

Source: Milenio

Tamaulipas Post