Transport is armored with Israeli technology in southern Tamaulipas

Blindan el transporte con tecnología israelí en sur de Tamaulipas

Given the increase in crimes against cargo transport units on national highways, businessmen in the sector in the south of the state have implemented the use of Israeli technology for real-time monitoring of their units.

The delegate of the National Chamber of Cargo Transportation, Armando Yussef Martínez Saleh, reported that they are installing surveillance cameras in tractors, which are monitored in real time through a specialized center.

He explained that this type of technology, from Israel and used in conflict zones, has been adopted in the country for three years.

He points out that the initial investment is somewhat expensive, but then the specialized monitoring has a cost between 2 thousand and 3 thousand pesos.

Martínez Saleh said that the most dangerous areas are located in entities such as the State of Mexico, Veracruz, Puebla and Michoacán, ruling out that Tamaulipas has this problem.

In addition to the installation of cutting-edge technology, preventive measures have been implemented, such as the installation of tracking devices, the restriction of night hours and the instruction to drivers to avoid dangerous areas, even if this means travelling greater distances.

“We, as service providers, work throughout the country and some partners have been victims of theft in these areas,” he said.

In addition to the cameras, which allow monitoring both the exterior and interior of the units, the companies have established monitoring centers operating 24 hours a day, which has become a requirement for customers in order to contract the service.

Finally, Martínez Saleh highlighted that although in states such as San Luis Potosí and Jalisco there has been a reduction in thefts, Veracruz, Michoacán and Puebla continue to lead the list of entities with the highest incidence of thefts and disappearances of units.

Source: elmanana