Organized Crime Recruits Police Officers from Tamaulipas


It’s difficult to know what they do once they desert or are discharged, but it’s a problem that occurs throughout the country, says Sergio Hernando Chávez García

The Secretary of Public Security in Tamaulipas, Sergio Hernando Chávez García, acknowledged that, after police and military officers leave their posts, they are recruited by criminal groups.

This phenomenon, he said, is registered in all corporations, such as the State Guard, National Guard, Mexican Army, Naval Secretariat, and others, and it’s difficult to know what they do once they desert or are discharged, but it’s a problem that occurs throughout the country, including Tamaulipas.

When asked if the Council of Honor and Justice of Public Security is tasked with investigating members who leave the corporation, he responded that no “Because a large number of them are not from Tamaulipas; about 60%, right now, of what we’re recruiting, comes from different states”, he said.

Source: El Mañana