Nautical procession of the Virgin of Carmen in Tampico: where you can see it


The boats will leave at 8:00 a.m. from Moralillo, in the northern part of Veracruz, to travel along the navigation channel to Ciudad Madero, where the monument to the “Queen of the Sea” is located, for a mass to be celebrated by the bishop of Tampico, José Armando Álvarez Cano.

State tourism authorities estimate that approximately 90 vessels, including shrimp boats, motorboats and other private vessels, will participate in this 67th edition of the nautical procession to worship the Virgin protector of fishermen.

Events have already taken place since Sunday, July 14
Omar Villafuerte Sánchez, director of infrastructure and tourism development for the state government, said that planning has already been done for this event, which is one of the most important events held in southern Tamaulipas and is already being promoted to attract visitors.

According to information released by the tourism department, several events have already taken place in Ciudad Madero, from a novena to a vehicle caravan yesterday Sunday that left from the Miramar roundabout, at the entrance on Tamaulipas Street, towards the jetties on the coastal boulevard, on the beach.

State tourism authorities estimated that approximately 90 vessels will participate / Tourism Department
A food market is planned for this Tuesday, July 16 at the monument to the Virgin of Carmen in La Barra, starting at 8:00 a.m. and the Eucharistic celebration was scheduled at that same point at 12:00 p.m., once the nautical procession with the image of the Virgin of Carmen is received.

The procession will have dancers at various points in Tampico
It will be at 8 in the morning when the vessels leave for the Pánuco River. For this reason, the tourism department invites the population to enjoy this nautical parade from various points where there will be dancers.

Those who would like to witness the nautical procession of the Virgin of Carmen can do so from the building of the former customs office of Tampico by the Casa Blanca boat steps, located in the second square of Tampico, El humo, which is located in La Isleta, El 106, in the Guadalupe Victoria neighborhood, “El Golfo” and El zacate, in the Tinaco neighborhood of Ciudad Madero.

Source: elsoldetampico