Criminal group kidnaps 31 migrants on the Tamaulipas border with the U.S.


A criminal group abducted 31 migrants from different South and Central American countries on the Tamaulipas-Texas border, literally, just a few feet away from US soil.

López Obrador, president of Mexico, confirmed this Tuesday, January 2nd, that an armed group kidnapped 31 migrants on the Tamaulipas border with the United States. 

The migrants, mostly Venezuelans, were traveling on a Grupo Senda bus when “they were taken,” according to the president. 

The kidnapping allegedly took place on Saturday, December 30, however, the authorities did not notify about the event until Monday, January 1. 

Despite the fact that Lopez Obrador insists on saying in his “Mañanera” that “the people are happy, happy, happy”… criminal acts are multiplying exponentially nationwide.

Source: OEM

Tamaulipas Post