This is what the site where they will build a 5-star hotel and Tampico aquarium looks like


Tampico could become in the future the regional pole of investment in tourism

The investment of the Hotel Marriot next to the aquarium and the new museum that will be made in the Laguna del Carpintero area by the hotel firm, will bring a greater appetite for new capital, considered the Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals (AMPI).

25 million dollars will be invested in this project that will house 154 rooms, additionally a theme park and an aquarium will be built, as well as a National Museum of the History of Mexico.

“We are going to be a very important regional pole for attracting investment and definitely the cherry on the cake is Tampico, which will be a great attraction for investment in tourism,” he warned.

He added that more accommodation spaces will be demanded due to the influx of tourism that will need a place to eat, the Laguna del Carpintero project contemplates gastronomy, then when greater density comes, ecosystems will develop, if we continue with the agenda of congresses and conventions, more hotels are going to open in that area, we have to give it spaces for recreation and nightlife”.

Rojas stressed that the impact will be seen in the center of Tampico, since more tourists it is needed to expand the offer.

“Almost a million people arrived in 10 days during the Easter holidays, and now that the summer season is coming with the road from Mexico to Tampico, which is almost finished and that will help more to receive more visitors.”

With these new developments, they also open the opportunity to create housing spaces for those who are going to work in these new businesses and thereby accelerate the reconfiguration that is required in areas such as: Volantín and El Golfo where there are still a large number of houses made of wood, it will rejuvenate many neighborhoods.

“If the project to make a circuit continues and integrate the center of Tampico with this offer from Laguna del Carpintero and join it with the Paseo de la Cortadura, with this great project to reconvert the port of Tampico, we will be not too far away from detonating also the Isleta Pérez, and we would not stop growing in tourism projects for the next 15 or 20 years,” he said.

Source: El Sol de Tampico