Tampico confirms the construction of an aquarium, a five-star hotel and a recreational park


It was confirmed that the Sheraton Hotel will arrive in Tampico and it is expected that it will be ready in a period of no more than a year and a half

Tampico will be the headquarters of important private investments, with the confirmation of a Sheraton Hotel from the Marriott chain, plus an aquarium and a recreational park, investors told state authorities.

The project for the construction of a five-star hotel in Tampico for the hotel firm Marriott will be carried out with an estimated investment of 25 million dollars.

Directors of the Sooper Nova Group, led by José Serur, met with Governor Américo Villarreal Anaya to present the details of the investment plan.

It will be a tourist complex in the south of Tamaulipas

The businessmen presented to the governor the project that will spark tourism development in the south of the state, since this 154-room hotel will be the nerve center of an entire complex that also includes the construction of a theme park and an aquarium.

José Serur assured that it is time for Tamaulipas to recover its greatness in tourism and join the “boom” that tourism is experiencing throughout the country, as shown by the statistics that indicate a 17% growth in the number of visitors arriving to our country, after the pandemic.

For his part, Governor Américo Villarreal, who was accompanied by the mayor of Tampico, Jesús Nader Nasrallah, reiterated his government’s support for businessmen for the development of this project that will take place in 16 months and will be developed as part of the Master Plan for Tourism Conversion of the Port of Tampico.

The governor recalled that this plan includes the area corresponding to the Historic Center and would complement the tourist infrastructure made up of the Carpintero lagoon, the Children’s Museum, the Paseo de la Cortadura and the urban image of the Historic Center.

The investors explained that in addition to the hotel, the complex in the short term will also include the construction of the National Museum of the History of Mexico, which will house the most important works of the Pearl family and will also allow the reactivation of the Canal de la Cortadura.

They added that both the construction companies, as well as the labor and suppliers for the construction of the entire complex will be local.

So surely soon we will be seeing more progress on the project of the luxurious hotel, the aquarium and the reactive park in Tampico.

Source: El Sol de Tampico