Only in Mexico! Authorities paved one half of a street because the other half belongs to a different municipality


CIUDAD MADERO, TAMAULIPAS.- In Tamaulipas, the local authorities paved half a street since the other part belongs to another municipality, causing annoyance among the residents, who complain about the work, which was not done evenly, so they demand that it be concluded.

This strange situation was experienced in Ciudad Madero, the municipality of Tamaulipas where they only paved half a street since the other half belongs to the municipality of Tampico, so it is no longer their responsibility to carry out public works, however, residents of the area described this action as selfish. It should be noted that the municipality of Ciudad Madero and Tampico is only divided by one street.

According to the director of public works of Ciudad Madero, Luis Carlos Leal, the improvement of the streets was done in conjunction with Tampico, however, the economic resources were insufficient, so it was decided to put concrete in the municipality where he works.

On the other hand, the councilor of the Public Works Commission, Mayra Ojeda, asked the authorities of Tampico to hold a meeting to address the issue, to review the status of the work.

“It is no longer the responsibility of Ciudad Madero, if it affects the residents on one side of the street, it is not our problem”, Mayra Ojeda concluded.

Source: Debate

Tamaulipas Post