Joe Biden repatriated almost 28 thousand natives of Tamaulipas: ITM


Former US President Joe Biden repatriated more Tamaulipas residents than Donald Trump in his previous administration, as the latter deported 26,856 countrymen, 1,048 fewer than the Democratic Party politician, according to state government statistics.

It is estimated that 12% of the repatriation that takes place across the Tamaulipas border is of people from one of the 43 municipalities of the state, an average that has practically remained the same in recent years.

The Tamaulipas Institute for Migrants (ITM) reported that during the four years of Joe Biden’s government, 27,904 citizens born somewhere in the state’s geography were returned.

“In Trump’s first term, 26,856 Tamaulipas residents were repatriated; it is difficult to know how many he could return this time,” said Juan José Rodríguez Alvarado, director of the state agency.

He highlighted that in 2024 there were 50 thousand repatriated through the state border and 12% were from these lands, that is, approximately 6 thousand people. In 2023, 70 thousand were deported and 11% were from Tamaulipas.

“And in national repatriation, the one who has repatriated the least has been Trump, for example Obama deported 1 million 845 thousand in his first term; of those, 418 thousand entered through Tamaulipas and 42 thousand were Tamaulipas citizens,” he explained.

Repatriation in the Barack Obama period

Rodríguez Alvarado added that in Barack Obama’s second term, the total repatriation he carried out at the national level was 1 million 003 thousand people, and of these, 279 thousand occurred through Tamaulipas and 33 thousand cases were classified as originating from the state.

In the first four years of Donald Trump, the official indicated that 766 thousand undocumented immigrants were repatriated, of which 247 thousand entered through Tamaulipas and 26 thousand 856 were Tamaulipas. With Joe Biden, 841 thousand compatriots were returned, of which 190 thousand were returned through Tamaulipas and 27 thousand 904 were Tamaulipas.

“Obviously we have a very dynamic border in terms of migration, we will continue to pay attention to how many Tamaulipas will be repatriated through our border, it is difficult to know,” he said.

Source: milenio