Green Angels serve 26,427 tourists in Tamaulipas


The Ángeles Verdes corporation served 26,427 tourists last year and provided 7,338 services on the different routes of the state, reported Benjamín Hernández Rodríguez, Secretary of Tourism in Tamaulipas.

He highlighted that the staff, made up of 38 elements aboard 15 patrol cars, made trips of more than 809 thousand kilometers in 2024, in addition to receiving 1,192 calls from tourists in the state.

In relation to 2023, 6,204 services were provided, which allowed serving 23,006 tourists, as well as 451,022 kilometers traveled and 1,132 calls received.

The official explained that, based on the collaboration agreement with the Federal Government’s Tourism Secretariat and the State of Tamaulipas, coordinated actions are carried out to provide the best attention to those who travel on the roads of our entity.

“These actions are complemented by the strategies implemented by Governor Américo Villarreal Anaya from the Safe Stations, as well as the increase in patrols by the State Guard,” he said.

He pointed out that the federal routes of the Green Angels are: Victoria-Jiménez; Victoria-Jaumave; Victoria-Hidalgo; Victoria-Zaragoza; Tampico-González; Jiménez-San Fernando.

While the state routes are: Tampico-Aldama; Matamoros-San Fernando; Victoria-Soto la Marina and Victoria-Mante.

Other routes are: Nuevo Laredo-Monterrey; Nuevo Laredo-Anáhuac; Miguel Alemán-Monterrey; Reynosa-Monterrey and Tuxpan-Tampico.

Source: tamaulipas