Tamaulipas and North America


This month will be transcendental in the political aspects of the most important region in the world. Before the change of command in the United States and the inauguration of Donald Trump, a piece of news that begins to shake up the current moment is in Canada, the northern neighbor of the American Union.

The current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, according to several sources, has raised to his closest advisors the intention of resigning from this position in the next few days, caused by a plummeting image and internal conflicts within the Liberal Party, a member of the same and thanks to which he came to power.

The situation puts a particular interest in terms of the intentions of the federal government to tie up agreements for its first formal year of administration. During the first three months, President Claudia Sheinbaum expressed the intention to meet with her counterparts after January 20, when the changeover comes in the White House.

This matter, by far, is not a minor case for Mexico and in states considered by the other members of the trade agreement (T-MEC) for the landing of investments. For the nation of the stars and stripes, it is key because of the exports that exceed 28,389 million dollars contributed in the last year, while towards the Canadian market, international sales represent a profit of 250 million dollars, the second most important nation for the entity.

Although the share of foreign investment is lower, companies from the country of the Maple Leaf have companies in various productive sectors that operate in this region of the northeast of the country, without forgetting the relevance of the Americans who since 1999 have contributed 13,321 million dollars.

The same happens with tourism issues, since a promotion carried out by state authorities for more than a decade is focused on attracting those visitors to enjoy the destinations in warmer seasons, when winter is very overwhelming in the northern hemisphere.

With this new governmental panorama, we will see the behavior and decisions that are made in the highest spheres of which the public and private state sector must be aware

Source: milenio