SLP police take care of their fellow countrymen on their journey through Tamaulipas


The San Luis Potosí Police, the National and State Guard escort 30 vehicles with countrymen along the highways of Tamaulipas, from the northern border, most of them will cross to the southern part of the state, since they are going to different parts of the country.

According to what was indicated by the Secretariat of Public Security, the support of the Civil Guard of San Luis Potosí takes place after the collaboration that was agreed between the states, in addition to the fact that many of those who travel in this caravan have that entity as their destination.

The action is part of the program “Welcome Heroes Countrymen Winter 2024”, it consists of providing guidance, security and support to compatriots who travel on Tamaulipas highways during the current holiday period.

It was reported that there were around 30 vehicles that left from the northern border of Tamaulipas accompanied by units of the National Guard and the Civil Guard of San Luis Potosí, personnel from the State Guard of Highway Support, they will receive accompaniment from local forces while crossing the roads of the state.

“In coordination with units of the National Guard and the Civil Guard of San Luis Potosí, personnel from the State Guard of Highway Support assigned to the Carbonera Safe Station provided security to a caravan of compatriots who entered the country through the northern border of Tamaulipas,” confirmed the Secretary of Public Security.

Compatriots head to the south of Tamaulipas

The group skipped one of the most dangerous areas of the state, due to the number of clashes between armed groups that have occurred, which is the municipality of San Fernando, including last month in that section three police officers were killed when they were ambushed by armed civilians.

Its route continues towards the southern part of the state, which includes Tampico, Madero and Altamira, one of the quietest areas of Tamaulipas, which is adjacent to Veracruz, but also connects with San Luis Potosí.

It was explained that “in addition, collaboration is maintained with the security forces of the neighboring states such as San Luis Potosí, Veracruz and Nuevo León to preserve security beyond the state limits.”

Source: milenio