Tamaulipas defends highway surveillance


The head of the SSPT, General Sergio Chavez Garcia, said that the state’s highways are guarded by approximately 3,500 members of the State Guard to protect the route of the countrymen coming from the United States, after they pointed out that it was insufficient

Grupo REFORMA published over the weekend that despite the promises of Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas to reinforce security on the highways that connect with the border with Texas, the first compatriots who return to the country for the Christmas season pointed out that the surveillance is still insufficient.

“Who was complaining?” he said in response to a direct question about the complaint about the insufficient surveillance that the compatriots point out.

“We have not received a single complaint,” he added.
The state command said that all the members of the State Guard, some 3,500, reinforced security on the route of the countrymen through Tamaulipas territory.

“The 25 secure stations are exclusively to take care of security on the roads, so, all of them continue, they are working and all of them (migrants) will be supported,” he said.

Chavez said that next Wednesday the first caravan of compatriots will arrive at the state border.

The contingent of compatriots will meet starting this Wednesday in the city of Laredo, Texas, in order to cross the international bridges to Tamaulipas and then head towards their places of origin, mostly through Nuevo Leon.

“The (highway) that goes to San Luis Potosi,” he reiterated.

This time, he said, authorities from San Luis Potosi will travel to the border of Tamaulipas, in order to receive the compatriots and accompany them on the journey.

“To support us in the transfer, we gladly support them to the limits of Tamaulipas and there the authorities will receive them,” he said.

“But also caravans, everything is the same,” he mentioned, “the program is already planned in the Paisanos Invierno 2024 program and all these activities are going to be developed.”

Source: reforma