Tamaulipas: These are the places where parking is ‘strictly prohibited’; heavy fines


Anyone who drives any type of vehicle should know that there are certain places where you cannot park, as they are considered prohibited sites and if you do so you could be subject to heavy fines.

Where are the places where you should not park?

Based on traffic regulations, in Tamaulipas there are places where it is not allowed to park your vehicle and in this sense drivers who do not follow these instructions and commit violations will be sanctioned. Below we will let you know some of them:

Areas reserved for pedestrians

This can refer to all types of sidewalks, walkways, medians, among others, that are intended for pedestrians.

Places with entrance and exit access
It is strictly forbidden to park in places that have entrance and exit access when it comes to:


Fire station exits

Military installations

Police and transit buildings

Public transport terminals

At public transport stops

Another place that you should avoid using as parking if you do not want to be fined is the places where passengers get on and off.

In more than one row

It is not allowed to park in places if this is in a double row, no matter how much you are in a hurry to find parking, remember to avoid doing this.

In front of a vehicle entrance

Another place where parking is prohibited is where they block the vehicle entrance

On traffic roads

It is forbidden to park on continuous traffic roads or at their exits.

On a curve

It is also not allowed to park less than 10 meters from a curve or crest without visibility.

On bridges

Under no circumstances should you park on a bridge or on elevated hills.

In handicapped spaces

Parking blocking handicapped ramps or designated handicapped parking spaces.

How much would you pay in fines for parking in a prohibited place?

Parking in prohibited places can result in a fine of up to 3 days of minimum wage, which could be equivalent to around $746.79 pesos plus other charges in case your vehicle is towed.

Source: elmanana