China surpasses the United States in countries interested in investing in Tamaulipas


Private initiatives from China lead the list of companies interested in coming to Tamaulipas, placing the country in first place within the potential plans for foreign direct investment in the state in the coming months, above the United States, a situation that should accelerate federal and state infrastructure works in order to achieve the landing of their projects.

Among the 130 proposals for the arrival of private capital to the state and the country, whose potential exceeds 13 billion dollars, the Ministry of Economy also emphasized this opportunity focused on the chemical and petrochemical industry, all landed in Altamira, the above was presented to the members of the Energy and Large Industry Cluster (Cegistam).

In this meeting, the Undersecretary of Promotion Anabell Flores stressed that with such plans to come as those announced until the end of October, it will force the completion of the infrastructure projects scheduled in the state, mainly connectivity. The meeting took place this week in Tampico.

Accompanied by officials from the state agency, in front of the members of the consortium headed by Juan de Dios Anda Ortega, she emphasized the advances in the promotion and management of investments from abroad, among which those confirmed to date have landed in the manufacturing and energy sectors.

Among the future strategies, the portfolio has 130 potential projects. Of these, 24 percent are companies from China, while 17 percent have their place of origin in the United States. There are Mexican companies that cover 9 percent of that intention, with India, South Korea and Japan joining in to a lesser extent.

With the possibility of capturing 13 thousand 264 million dollars and more than 31 thousand formal jobs, by productive sectors, 19 percent of these options are located in the chemical and petrochemical sectors, with the electrical and electronic sectors remaining behind at 17 percent, while the automotive sector is at 10 percent.

“With these projects that we presented to you, the federal governments are asking to speed up all the necessary infrastructure that has been announced, which will strengthen the attraction of more investments for the state,” declared the official before the members of the Cegistam Cluster.

Anabell Flores pointed out that there are 125 confirmed investments, with 40 in Reynosa, 23 in Nuevo Laredo and Altamira, plus 21 in Matamoros, securing 19,337 million dollars, from expansion of facilities to the construction of new ones.

Source: milenio