Tamaulipas highways with permanent surveillance and assistance to travelers


In order to ensure safety on the state’s roads, the Tamaulipas Public Security Secretariat (SSPT) has a network of 25 Safe Stations located every 50 kilometers, through which the personnel of the State Highway Support Guard maintain proximity to the population.

This allows for an immediate response to emergencies and provides roadside assistance in situations such as minor mechanical failures, tire damage; as well as perimeter security, flagging and traffic in accidents, mainly during peak seasons, such as holidays and vacations.

To this end, the availability of the emergency numbers: 911 and 089 for anonymous reports is reiterated to the population.

In addition, it is urged to check the mechanical condition of vehicles in advance, respect speed limits, road signs and use seat belts to prevent accidents.

Likewise, personnel from the State Traffic Department maintain presence and surveillance on highway sections under the jurisdiction of the entity, promoting road safety culture and providing assistance to drivers who require it.

Source: tamaulipas.gob