Successful security model applied in Tampico is snubbed in northern Tamaulipas


The security model applied in Tampico has been successful in maintaining a high level of tranquility in the city and its surrounding areas. However, when this model was taken to the northern part of Tamaulipas, it received little attention from both private businesses and authorities.

This lack of response is contributing to the current wave of violence in cities like Nuevo Laredo, Reynosa, and Matamoros. The Citizen Observatory has been working with the local business community to create a favorable environment for civil society in the border region with the United States.

In a meeting with the head of the Citizen Observatory, Jorge Charles Coll, he mentioned that the results of the security model were presented to the Tampico Business Center of the Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex). However, despite sharing reports and indicators on crime incidence, the initiative was not implemented in the affected cities.

The creation of the Security and Justice Roundtable has led to a significant reduction in federal crimes in the last decade. The successful example set by Tampico is now being replicated in other border cities.

However, the director of the Citizen Observatory expressed his concern that the reasons for this lack of implementation are unknown. He added that it’s essential to find out from the state government why the same success was not achieved in the northern part of Tamaulipas.

In contrast to the situation in other states like Guerrero, Chiapas, Sinaloa, and Bajío, Tampico enjoys a privileged level of security due to the work of citizens and the participation of governments. The city ranks third in terms of the best perception of security, according to the latest survey by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI).

Source: Milenio