“El Venado” hunting tourist stop inaugurated in Tamaulipas


A new attraction for tourists has opened in Tamaulipas, it is the “El Venado” hunting tourist stop in the municipality of Jiménez, a place that will surely be the setting to take a photo with the sculpture that measures 6.6 meters high.

This Thursday, the governor of Tamaulipas, Américo Villarreal, went to the municipality of Jiménez, where he inaugurated the “El Venado” hunting tourist stop, in which an investment of 14.8 million pesos was made.

This site has a plaza, parking, a roofed area with pergolas, lighting and an iconic sign with the name of the municipality.

The main attraction is the sculpture of a white-tailed deer 6.60 meters high and 3.37 meters wide.

The municipal president, Corina Esther Garza; the Secretary of Tourism, Benjamín Hernández; and the Secretary of Public Works, Pedro Cepeda Anaya, were present at the ribbon cutting.

“The white-tailed deer sculpture represents the game fauna of the region, projecting Jiménez as a reference for tourism in Tamaulipas,” said the Secretary of Public Works.

Source: amp.milenio