Can you imagine a fluorescent State Guard? Tamaulipas could make it a reality


A fluorescent State Traffic Guard that can be identified from a distance, for security reasons, is an initiative presented by the PAN Parliamentary Group in the Tamaulipas Congress.

“Among the most particular situations that users of the Tamaulipas highways have pointed out, we have the lack of visibility of state traffic agents and their vehicles. This is a critical problem that undoubtedly affects road safety,” the initiative stated.

“Those who circulate on Tamaulipas highways have stated that uniforms and patrols are not easily identifiable,” he argued.

He noted that according to data from the Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT), in 2022 alone, 807 traffic accidents were recorded on highways in Tamaulipas, leaving 258 dead, 377 injured and million-dollar damages for approximately 119 billion pesos.

Officers are required to be visible from a distance
PAN members stated that the traffic units are exactly the same as those of the State Guard, with the only difference being the state traffic pattern in orange.

Authorities point out that more than 70% of accidents on highways and streets in the state occur due to poor visibility / Mariela Macay

“A situation that can generate confusion between drivers and pedestrians… the fluorescent tones are to give it high visibility from a considerable distance since they have a characteristic that can be seen well both during the day and at night,” she said.

The initiative cited studies carried out by automotive companies such as BP, Castrol and Repsol that indicate that poor signage on public roads is one of the main sources of road accidents.

“Many times on the roads the signs are not visible at night, they are poorly placed or due to external circumstances they are not visible (…) 73% of drivers make a bad decision behind the wheel due to poor signage, mainly visibility,” she stated.

In Article 26, the PAN proposes establishing that the uniforms of traffic agents must include bright and/or fluorescent colors that ensure their visibility, especially in low-light conditions.

“The use of colors such as fluorescent yellow, fluorescent orange or fluorescent green is recommended for vests, helmets and other pieces of personal equipment,” concluded this proposal, which seeks to ensure that Tamaulipas can have a fluorescent State Guard.

Source: elsoldetampico