Regios face chaos on Tamaulipas roads


The insecurity and violence that prevails in Tamaulipas has caused chaos and fear among travelers who use the roads of that state to reach the border with the United States.

In recent days, several incidents have been reported on the highways that connect Nuevo León with Tamaulipas, such as shootings, blockades, robberies and kidnappings.

On Monday, a group of armed men kidnapped at least 31 migrants, mostly Venezuelans, who were traveling in a truck on the Reynosa-Matamoros highway.

On Sunday, a group of gunmen attacked a bus that was traveling from Monterrey to Reynosa, injuring two passengers.

On Saturday, a family from Monterrey was robbed of their vehicle and belongings by armed men who intercepted them on the Monterrey-Nuevo Laredo highway.

On Friday, a group of armed men set fire to several vehicles and blocked the Monterrey-Reynosa highway, causing panic among drivers and passengers.

These events have generated fear and uncertainty among travelers, who have had to modify their routes, schedules and plans to avoid being victims of crime.

Some travelers have opted to use alternative roads, such as the Monterrey-Saltillo-Piedras Negras-Eagle Pass route, which is longer but safer.

Others have decided to travel only during the day, avoiding the night hours when the risk of attacks increases.

Some have even chosen to cancel or postpone their trips, especially those who planned to visit their relatives in the United States for the holidays.

The authorities of Nuevo León and Tamaulipas have announced coordination measures to reinforce security on the roads, such as increasing patrols, checkpoints and surveillance cameras.

However, travelers have expressed their distrust and dissatisfaction with the actions of the authorities, who they consider have not been able to guarantee their safety and tranquility.

They have also demanded that the federal government intervene to restore order and peace in Tamaulipas, a state that has been plagued by violence for years due to the presence of organized crime groups.

Source: Reforma