Tamaulipas obtains fishing certification to export shrimp to the United States


It represents well-being for families in Mexico who are dedicated, directly or indirectly, to crustacean fishing.

The Tamaulipas high seas shrimp fishery obtained a rating of 95% technical compliance in comparability with US producers in the proper use of marine Turtle Excluder Devices (TED).

As a result of the 2023 annual verification, carried out by United States Government authorities on shrimp vessels, the Export Certification to the market of the neighboring country to the north will be maintained in 2024.

During the last few days, the ports of Tampico, Campeche and Quintana Roo were visited, adding a total of 128 shrimp vessels and 410 TEDs reviewed by Jared Milton, from the State Department, and Blake Price, from the National Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the United States Government.

The National Aquaculture and Fisheries Commission (Conapesca) reported that by obtaining technical compliance in comparability with US producers, during the 2023 annual verification carried out by US authorities, 5% more than in 2021 and 2022.

“We attend with great interest to receive the results of the most recent evaluation that US officials have carried out; the fishing ports and their people have highlighted Mexico’s responsibility in the protection of sea turtles and the sustainability of our fisheries,” indicated the national commissioner of Aquaculture and Fisheries, Octavio Almada Palafox.

95% technical compliance in comparability with US producers is an important result that allows to continue exports during 2024.

Job creation

This represents well-being for the more than 107 thousand people in Mexico who are dedicated to shrimp fishing, from which more than 430 thousand members of Mexican families live and support themselves directly and indirectly from the capture, processing, transportation and marketing.

After having lost the certification in 2021, the agency’s strategy has allowed not only its immediate recovery, but also to maintain it for three consecutive years.

The role of the shipowners is highlighted in the same way and has been fundamental as an organization to recover the export certification of Mexican shrimp to the United States.

It should be noted that Tamaulipas registers an annual shrimp production level of 9,224 tons, the crustacean has a fishing value of 25 billion pesos.

 Source: El Sol de Tampico