They will build more apartments in Miramar, what other works are they planning?


More apartment projects are planned to be built in Miramar, which allows for labor certainty, says the bricklayers’ union

Among the plans to be built in the metropolitan area is the initiative of five more apartment buildings in Miramar, which are expected to be in the short term. And the 14-story buildings to house vacation homes on the beach continue to grow, currently two towers are being built and more are in the works.

The construction of rest homes in the towers has been in vogue for several years and remains that way, so this is what is now being focused on and which allows job creation.

“It has been more than 10 years doing vertical buildings, the builder (Grupo Velas) opted for this type of work that was not available in Tampico and the people in the construction sector were trained to do it; Fortunately there is work”

This is how Martín Castillo, general secretary of the Masons Union of section 4 belonging to the CTM, expressed himself.

Construction works maintain employment

In terms of private construction in the buildings on the beach, one building is about to be completed and another work is about to begin. There are about 50 construction workers working there for more than a year.

“They are 14-story buildings and more are coming by 2024, it is expected that there will be more towers, it is a project of 4 more consecutively, the good thing is that there is work for more than a year with them.”

The interviewee added that in addition to the vertical projects that are built on the beach, the union participates in other works in Los Cabos and Cancún, in addition to Reynosa.

Likewise, he warned that 40% of the work done is private, plus the municipal work, along with the ISSSTE hospital, in these three areas there are about 10 thousand bricklayers employed in the southern zone.

In this regard, Emilio Rojas Cobián, national vice president of the Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals, commented that in 2023 the AMPI has recorded investments of the order of four thousand 500 million pesos for the south of Tamaulipas.

This in initiatives in vertical towers such as Punta Loma, by Grupo Velas, as well as shopping plazas.

“We are living a good time in terms of real estate investment, the pandemic made many realize that investing their money in real estate is the best option, since they appreciate the advantages of having assets, in addition to the fact that in this sector there was no contraction, on the contrary, there was growth,” he assured.

That is why these works will maintain employment, since there will be the construction of five more apartment buildings in Miramar.

Source: El Sol de Tampico