SSPT activates Safe Summer 2023 operation 


Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas.- With the objective of maintaining surveillance in the entity during the vacation period, the Tamaulipas Public Security Secretariat (SSPT) activated the “Safe Summer 2023” operation, through which they will provide accompaniment and support to the people passing through the entity. 

In conjunction with other security forces, State Guard personnel are assisting in the “Welcome Countrymen Heroes 2023” Operational Program, through which security is provided to compatriots residing in the United States who enter Mexican territory through the Tamaulipas border. 

This program is active 24 hours a day, as is the assistance provided by the State Highway Support Guard, which carries out security and surveillance tours in the different sections, and the monitoring systems that monitor tourist traffic in real time. 

Additionally, the 25 Safe Stations located every 50 kilometers will remain open to the general public to operate as safe stops in emergency situations or to rest and prevent accidents derived from fatigue. 

Surveillance will also be maintained in the main tourist destinations aboard motorized units such as patrols and motorcycles for areas that are difficult to access for larger units, bicycles for the beaches in the southern zone, and on foot. 

Through the police presence and permanent surveillance, the SSPT safeguards the integrity of residents and visitors to the state of Tamaulipas; in addition to contributing to the positioning of the entity as a tourist destination. 

 Source: Noticias de Tamaulipas