Mexico devastated: last week, 41 people died every hour this from COVID-19


The mortality curve rose again at the end of 2020 and accelerated in January

Mexico registers the week with the highest mortality in the entire covid-19 pandemic, with an average of 983 daily deaths since last January 8 , according to official figures updated until this Thursday.

In the last seven days, the country, of 128 million inhabitants, accumulated 6,885 deaths, with a record high of 1,314 on Tuesday .

To date there are 137,916 deaths and 1,588,369 infections.

Mexico is the fourth country with the most deaths in absolute numbers and the eighteenth in the comparison per 100,000 inhabitants, according to an AFP database fed with official statistics.

“Since the end of November, control of social activity was lost and people began to go out into the streets excessively to make purchases and other activities that promote contagion,” epidemiologist Malaquías López told AFP. (PHOTO: MARIO JASSO / CUARTOSCURO)

“We are all ‘paniquiado’, scared, but there are many people who do not understand it. He goes out without a mask, he has parties, they don’t realize what they are causing, ”Antonio Hoyos told AFP, while buying an oxygen tank for his son in Mexico City.

“We are suffering from infected relatives and they as if nothing,” added this 55-year-old government employee, complaining about two young people who passed by without a mask.

After a period of relative stabilization, the mortality curve rose again at the end of 2020 and accelerated in January.

Until last Saturday, the highest weekly average of daily deaths had been 800, between June 21 and 27.


Infections also peaked, averaging 13,543 daily cases in the past week.  (PHOTO: MARIO JASSO / CUARTOSCURO)Infections also peaked, averaging 13,543 daily cases in the past week. (PHOTO: MARIO JASSO / CUARTOSCURO)

As in other countries, the flexibility of the authorities and the year-end excesses are taking their toll on Mexicans .

“Since the end of November, control of social activity was lost and people began to go out into the streets excessively to make purchases and other activities that promote contagion,” epidemiologist Malaquías López told AFP.

Added to the “social indiscipline” are the health problems that the country already accumulated, among the most affected in the world by obesity and associated illnesses such as diabetes and hypertension , observes José Ignacio Martínez, from LACEN, an analysis center from the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

“All of this hits the economy hard,” he adds.

Because of this, the city government announced on Thursday a home care plan for patients who do not require hospitalization, which includes oxygen supply and monitoring by public and private specialists.  (PHOTO: NACHO RUÍZ / CUARTOSCURO)Because of this, the city government announced on Thursday a home care plan for patients who do not require hospitalization, which includes oxygen supply and monitoring by public and private specialists. (PHOTO: NACHO RUÍZ / CUARTOSCURO)

Infections also peaked, averaging 13,543 daily cases in the past week.

As a result, the health system is overwhelmed, especially in Mexico City, with nine million inhabitants and where 24,105 people had died as of Wednesday.

Hospital occupancy in the capital reached 91%, according to the Ministry of Health, with a total of 7,013 patients, of which 1,782 were intubated as of Tuesday.

Because of this, the city government announced on Thursday a home care plan for patients who do not require hospitalization, which includes oxygen supply and monitoring by public and private specialists.

“In certain places the possibility for many to receive medical attention is lost. This will even translate into people dying at home , “warns López, a former official of the Ministry of Health.

Vaccine distracts from dangers

The outbreak of the epidemic occurs at a time when vaccination against covid-19 among health personnel assigned to their care is advancing.  (Photo: EFE)The outbreak of the epidemic occurs at a time when vaccination against covid-19 among health personnel assigned to their care is advancing. (Photo: EFE)

The metropolitan area of ​​the Valley of Mexico, which includes the capital and where 23 million people live, restricted non-essential activities on December 18 when the maximum health alert was declared.

This level of risk – known as the red traffic light – applies to five of the 32 states in the country , of which 21 are in orange, second on the scale.

The outbreak of the epidemic occurs at a time when vaccination against covid-19 among health personnel assigned to their care is advancing.

As of Thursday, 329,983 workers had received the first of two doses . In 2019 Mexico had 964,800 employees in the health sector.

For López, the expectation of a mass vaccination has also had a negative impact.  (Photo: EFE)For López, the expectation of a mass vaccination has also had a negative impact. (Photo: EFE)

The government assures that deaths could drop as much as 80% when people over 60 are immunized between February and April.

For López, the expectation of a mass vaccination has also had a negative impact.

“People believe that once we have the vaccine, we forget the dangers, and the truth is that vaccinating is going to take time. We are not going to have an appreciable impact of vaccination for a long time and by then many will already be dead, ”said the expert.


Mexico Daily Post