Paisanos, targets of organized crime on their return to Mexico


Extortion and assaults on Mexican immigrants who come from the United States to spend the holidays are the order of the day on the Nuevo Laredo-Monterrey highway

Extortions and assaults on countrymen who come from the United States to spend the Christmas holidays are the order of the day only when crossing the border, especially on the section of the Nuevo Laredo-Monterrey highway, where members of organized crime stop vehicles at any time.

They simply ask for up to a thousand dollars in daylight and in front of the Police. But the unprecedented thing is that also in the Customs of Nuevo Laredo to process the permit of the vehicle that enters the country, you have to give 400 dollars to the two agents, you go to the bathroom and give it to them. “Once inside the offices you pay the 1,500 pesos so that they give you the permission slip and everything is fine. And you leave the compound and the criminals catch you too,” said a civilian.

Thefts and robberies increase considerably on these dates because the nationals bring gifts for their relatives. Now the modality is extortion because they ask for large amounts in dollars and in exchange, they give them a password so that they do not “bother” them again, on the rest of the road.

The lowest fee is $ 200. They do not accept pesos.

With total impunity they make “checkpoints”, where they arrest and assault the countrymen and take televisions, computers, games, clothes, everything that can be stolen from their trucks, denounces Rogelio Ávila Muro, representative of the Zacatecan Community in Illinois of the Council National Legislators and Migrants (Conalym) in El Sol de México.

Since 2001, this type of robbery has been carried out by organized crime. The countrymen are easily detected by the plates of their American vehicles or by being pick-up trucks.

They also denounce that there is little police surveillance on this highway and there are no cameras. The State Police only has four units and the National Guard has not been present in these latitudes.

It is not enough for a patrol to accompany the caravans, he said.

On the other hand, they reported that the Commissioner of the National Institute of Migration, Francisco Garduño Yáñez, traveled to the Monterrey-Nuevo Laredo highway to verify that his agents, in collaboration with the National Guard, provide care to the nationals who circulate in the area on the occasion of the Operation “Winter 2020”, from the Paisano Program.

But nonetheless, the robberies continue.


Mexico Daily Post