Costera de Soto la Marina, Tamaulipas
In Tamaulipas, one of the most violent regions of Mexico, the extraction of 7 million tons of stone is ready to build one of the most important maritime ports and private industrial complexes in the region in the last 20 years.
As a bet to banish the tentacles of violence, in the Soto La Marina port, in the Gulf of Mexico, the private sector will inject 800 million dollars out of a total of 1.6 billion dollars in the first stage, from a project with European investors.
A maritime port and a private industrial complex with an investment of 2,200 million dollars, where 800 million dollars would be injected in a first stage with European investors, has been announced by the financial and business group Coessa, whose project was included in the United Nations Global Compact.
The project, according to what El Universal newspaper publishes, contemplates the construction of a modern maritime port, the development of a mining project, an industrial park of 2,000 hectares with a capacity to house up to 8,000 containers per month, production of electrical energy for regional consumption, storage and distribution of hydrocarbons.
The mega port seeks to generate 6,000 indirect jobs during the two stages, the first of them for the extraction of limestone.
According to information from El Universal, the corporate and its master plan for this region of the Gulf of Mexico is now part of the largest Corporate Social Responsibility Network in the world.
The Mexican Network of the United Nations Global Compact welcomed the general director of the financial and business group Coessa, Juan Carlos Contreras, thereby guaranteeing sustainable development, therefore capitalizable.

The manager explained that with this global platform, unique in the world, they will have access not only to the largest database of the main international social actors but also to collections, initiatives, and tools to respond to the call of the United Nations.
It is, he explained, that companies voluntarily align their operations and strategies with the ten principles focused on human rights, labor standards, the environment, and the fight against corruption.

At the end of January 2020, the first works of the project will begin in two aspects: the extraction of limestone from the mine in the municipality of Villa de Casas ; and excavations facing the sea in Soto la Marina.
A total of 1,600 columns will support a 1.22 meter galvanized steel structure that will transport stone over areas of crops, pastures and cattle ranches to a storage park 28 kilometers away, in Soto la Marina.
It is a unique system in Latin America that will move up to 450 tons per hour.
The arm of the breakwater will have a length of 2,300 linear meters, the marginal dock will have 450 linear meters and a 900-meter wave breaker that will resist winds of up to 300 kilometers per hour.
The project includes the construction of a modern Maritime Port , the development of a mining project , an industrial park of 2,000 hectares with the capacity to house 8,000 containers per month, production of electricity for regional consumption, storage and distribution of hydrocarbons.
“It was not done in one or two years, but in thirteen. It is a project that had time to mature so that it would be attractive to international investors and find the vocation of this area of Tamaulipas, “says Contreras.
A territorial reorganization was promoted, dialogues were held with communities and municipalities, as well as with various sectors, from fishermen, to ranchers and farmers, and the Soto la Marina Foundation was created to execute various social programs for members of the three cooperatives of fishermen, ranchers and sorghum, bean and soybean farmers.
In Tamaulipas, this year there are 568 intentional homicides, of which 310 were with firearms and 46 with knives.
From January to October 2019, 26,542 crimes accumulate in northeastern Tamaulipas, with May being the most violent month with 4,996, according to data from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System.
“The high levels of insecurity are precisely what motivated the project: to be able to generate economic activity in that area that has been very economically hit by crime,” adds Contreras.
The port will have video surveillance, control and security with technology that includes radars with three-dimensional images with which the administration of traffic and navigation can be ensured; facial recognition of people and even retinas reader for employees.
“The project is armored in security. A specialized company was created, run by high-ranking, highly experienced former military personnel, and the port will have a control center; We have worked very hard and hard on that, with the best advisers on the subject from the United States, Canada and Mexico, “he says.
It works, he assures, hand in hand with the Tamaulipas government, headed by Francisco García Cabeza de Vaca, who has expressed his support for port projects in the National Commission of Governors.
“For us it is of utmost importance to continue promoting actions that are aimed at improving the conditions of our ports and our literals. I want to endorse the commitment I have in everything that is aimed at strengthening the ports, ”said Cabeza de Vaca.
And it is that once completed in a period of no more than two and a half years, it will be part of the corridor of the most important maritime ports in Mexico, including Veracruz and Chiapas