(Video) Family escapes, at full speed, from Sicarios in Nuevo Laredo border crossing


Nuevo Laredo is a failed city under the full control of criminals

In the area, there are criminal checkpoints that carry out robberies of motorists who cross the border.

A family of Mexicans crossing the border to Tamaulipas from the United States experienced a moment of anguish when they were intercepted by a group of hitmen who tried to extort money from them. The events occurred on the Boulevard Colosio road in Nuevo Laredo, in Mexico.

The video shows a gray car without license plates that, at full speed, chases the family car, blocking its way. “Watch out, Osvaldo turn back!” “Who am I calling?” The mother is heard shouting as the husband tries to escape.

Inside the car was a minor who asked her father “What’s wrong? I’m scared”. “Raise the window daughter”, “raise the window”! the woman yelled at her daughter while trying to call the authorities for help.

The family managed to escape from the armed subjects thanks to a cunning maneuver in which the father and driver of the vehicle turns around, getting on the avenue separator, and returning from where they came.

“Calm down, daughters, calm down,” the woman reassures the minors as the car turns against the traffic.

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Residents of the Nuevo Laredo border municipality assure on social networks that extortion by organized crime is constant. 

On Twitter, the population denounces that the hitmen of the Northeast cartel are walking the streets.

“This is how the hitmen of ” La Tropa del Infierno “at the service of Juan Gerardo Treviño Chávez, alias” El Huevo “, in a caravan, a video in which criminals are observed challenging the police in armored vehicles, dressed in military clothing and with .50 caliber Barret weapons.


According to ‘ Infobae ‘, Las Tropa del Infierno is the armed wing of the Northeast Cartel and the territory of Tamaulipas is disputed with criminal organizations such as Los Zetas and the Gulf Cartel (CDG).

In this border region, shootings between the Mexican armed forces and drug traffickers generate blockades. In addition, the authorities have called for “extreme precautions” due to the presence of alleged criminal checkpoints that carry out robberies of motorists crossing the border between Mexico and the United States.

Francisco García Cabeza de Vaca, governor of Tamaulipas, announced that he will deploy a strong operation in the area to protect the families who will travel to Mexico in the coming days to celebrate the Christmas and New Year holidays.


In the region, shootings between police and drug traffickers have blocked different areas. On this site, authorities have reported on alleged  criminal checkpoints to carry out robberies of motorists crossing the border between Mexico and the United States . “We ask for extreme precautions,” they warned.

Source: milenio.com

Tamaulipas Post