Mexicos National Fund for Culture and the Arts presents Young Creators 2020 exhibition


Mexico City. The third Meeting of Young Creators 2020 of the Support System for the creation and cultural projects (Fonca) will be presented in digital format from November 16 to December 11, reported the Ministry of Culture (SC).

Encuentro de Jóvenes Creadores se llevará a cabo en formato digital

225 scholarship holders in multiple disciplines participate in this broadcast, such as visual arts, dance, architecture, applied arts, audiovisual media, music, letters, letters in indigenous languages, popular arts, and traditions, and theater, whose proposals will be disseminated on the Contigo platform in the distance, as well as in social networks of the Fonca and the National Centers of the Arts, and of the Image.

Encuentro de Jóvenes Creadores del Fonca 2020

The head of the SC, Alejandra Frausto Guerrero, stressed that the ground gained in digital does not take a step back, so that young creators will be able to maintain contact with their tutors, show their work to audiences and, at the same time, arrive at places without physical distance.

El Tercer Encuentro de Jóvenes Creadores 2020 será digital

Starting next Monday, initiatives related to the Huichol, Mixe, Nahuatl, Tzotil, and Zoque languages ​​will be seen, in which the creators highlight the importance of recognizing linguistic diversity and its value as part of Mexico’s cultural heritage.

There will also be video, dance, and acoustic composition samples, which are part of the cultural products that the scholarship recipients prepared for the public, in order to publicize the results of a year of work.

Premieres will be presented around the exhibition  Creation in Movement 2019-2020, a space that awaits works of architecture, applied arts, visual arts, popular traditions, and new technologies.


In addition, the editions of the Journal of Graphic Narrative and  Literature Anthology will be presented, a compendium that brings together the narrative work of the creators in dramaturgy, essays, cinematographic script, novels, short stories, poetry, and letters in indigenous languages, whose publications reveal the inventiveness, literary capacity, and vision of those who form a new generation.

Among the artistic premieres, by discipline and specialty, that netizens will be able to enjoy are: Sample of the specialties of letters in indigenous languages, audiovisual media and acoustic composition (November 16); Dance show (November 20); the exhibition Creation in Motion (November 23); It shows composition in other genres (November 27) and the Theater show (November 30).

For more information go to .

The Mexico City Post