AMLO affirms that there will be no purge in the army due to the Cienfuegos case (VIDEO)


President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said his government did not investigate theGeneral Salvador Cienfuegos, former head of National Defense (SEDENA), because there was no information and no complaint against him.

He accused the DEA of working with General Cienfuegos and hiding his activities.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador asked to differentiate the conduct of Salvador Cienfuegos from Sedena.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador assured that the conduct of General Salvador Cienfuegos and that of the Secretariat of National Defense must be differentiated, in addition to the fact that it is not fair to blame the entire Army for the accusations that weigh on the former head of the Sedena; if there are guilty “there will be no impunity,” he said.

After the Sembrando Vida event in Tapanatepec, Oaxaca, the President assured that there will be no clean-up in the Army until the United States Government proves Cienfuegos guilty.

“It is not professional and it is not fair to blame all the Army officers for being involved in this case, I repeat, if it is shown that the Secretary is involved, ” he said.

“No, until we know if the evidence that the United States has shows that the General Secretary of the previous government, of President Peña is involved, there must be punishment, there does not have to be impunity because it is a serious, very serious crime, and if there are others involved in the same way, they have to be investigated, if those officers are still active, they have to be removed from their positions and subjected to trials so that the law is applied and there is no impunity “

López Obrador speaks about the structures of the Ministry of Defense are when speaking of members of Sedena close to Cienfuegos who currently have key positions in national security.

“You know, all Mexicans, I believe, as are the structures in the Defense, there are ranks, promotions and one becomes General, the generals of division do not reach 30 generals of division, and they have to work in the Secretariat of the Defense, “he said.

“What do generals work on? Well, they are heads of the military zone, head of the military region, or they work in the direction of the Secretary of Defense. If there were generals with General Cienfuegos, then it is not professional, and it is not fair blame the entire army officers for being involved with this case “

Ask the DEA to clarify these types of cases

The President indicated that the United States Drug Control Administration (DEA) must report on its participation in cases of alleged collusion between Mexican officials and drug trafficking.

“It is necessary to clarify, those of the DEA should inform about their participation in all these cases, because undoubtedly they lived with both García Luna and the General Secretary of the past six-year term,” he said.

“They had no responsibility, for example in the introduction of weapons, in the fast and furious operation, which was a proposal, a design. Without a doubt they operated, they entered the country with absolute freedom, they did what they wanted, of course, they allowed them. The DEA was completely involved in the Secretary of the Navy “

The President asked not to anticipate the events.

“We must not anticipate them, what is undoubtedly wrong is that two important Mexican officials, who have to do with the country’s security, are detained in the United States, accused of being linked to drug trafficking, that is very serious and is a unequivocal sign of a crisis, of the decline of the regime that fortunately is about to end “


Mexico Daily Post