It’s always been clear to me that the well-being of the people is directly related to themselves. In a strict sense, the government assumes its responsibility both as an administrator of the national production and generation of its wealth and of governing to guarantee the well-being of the people in terms of security and the prosperous direction of the economy. The citizen has individual rights and guarantees that must be respected and fulfilled. Also, having the obligations that must be assumed, not only in a social context but on an individual level. I describe it below.
We find ourselves living in a time with very latent changes in many areas of our lives. The steps -in terms of progress- are dizzying. If we see and analyze this on the timeline, the changes that occurred in societies in periods of 50 years, today they happen in periods of 5 years. We are going very fast!
The educational criteria of our present time are completely revolutionary, which have come to displace the methods of yesteryear – and, I mean those of a very recent past – that have left them out of date, into obsolescence.
Virtual commerce has rebounded drastically and exponentially. So much so, that in this historical phase of the pandemic in which we find ourselves, the only item that not only has not suffered any type of crisis but on the contrary, has quadrupled its profits has been the internet and the digital market. Mike Zuckerberg, the owner of Facebook and WhatsApp, increased his fortune exponentially during the last three months. Its Facebook shares are up almost 60% in this last quarter.
A “new normal” will come, but digital work will reach a higher and remarkable level of importance, like never before.
What I share with you has a very powerful intention that concerns each of us as social entities that are part of the economic, political and social system.
The government has its own work, and we have ours, that in an optimal scenario – and not just ideal – we must converge to achieve sustained and relevant progress in social, political, and economic matters. It is our task to give many readings to these changes that we are experiencing, to analyze, and interpret them. To know and understand where we stand in this birth of economic and social challenges. Assess our own areas of opportunity and start working on them. Detect and develop our skills, in such a way that we can capitalize on them and turn them into our -strong card- of competitive advantage, not only to remain in the market but to open new doors and find ourselves in the new paths of success that await us, in this own version that we just created. I mean, our own personal reinvention!
“Find out what you can do, and do it better than anyone else.”
- Jason Goldberg,
A new stage begins in Mexico. We Mexicans, have great challenges before us, the changes that are going to take place shortly will make us consider where are we going and many will be unable to bear the changes. Depressions, loneliness, anxiety, unfinished needs, intense inner emptiness, isolation, unhappiness, instability, and loads of negative feelings will make life unviable for many. That is the payment of the great scientific and technological advance and of the systemic changes that come, hence the importance of learning to open ourselves to new possibilities and work on our own “Being”, from within, to be able to flow to events and remain active and productive. This new scheme will demand a high degree of mastery of skills and emotional and intellectual management. (This phenomenon is called “Skill Economy”, and I will talk about this in my next post)
Rather than worry about the massive layoffs that are occurring in all sectors of the economy, it is time to face the changes in the new way of working that has come to stay, because, in the same way as layoffs in the labor market, there are emerging new jobs that require new aptitudes, abilities and skills in the candidates to apply.
This critical period of the crisis in which our country finds itself –and the entire planet, too- identifies a tremendously great opportunity to rethink in our consciousness what it is that we can do with ourselves.
The true learning of life is not found in school with your good grades, in the degrees or diplomas you earn, in the languages you master, in the knowledge acquired. True learning is the one that comes when you make mistakes, when you lose someone you love, when you experience crises in life, when someone hurts you, when you are lacking when you get sick when your personal economy collapses. True learning is right when it is your turn to be in the dark.
From there, you are reborn, you value, you understand, you forgive, you heal and you inevitably return to the light, with an indescribable strength. And so, as in our worst moments, life rewards us with the greatest lessons, prepares us to face new challenges and new battles.
Along the way you will discover a lot about yourself, you will build the vision of the place where you want to go. You will be finding ways to make yourself take off. However, the idea is not romantic at all; setbacks will always arise along the way, but only your conviction and your will can prevent them from influencing you and making you give up.
Don’t forget that a plane flies through the skies with all the wind against it.
So, you will only leave room for something, and this will be … to achieve your success.
The world of winners is only for those who are already clear on where they want to be, and who pay the price to achieve it.
“If there is something that you are passionate about and you work hard, I believe that you will end up being successful.”
-Pierre Omidyar, founder and president of eBay.
By Alfonso Tornero Soto

Alfonso Tornero Soto is an Economist, specializing in Finance. He has a Master’s degree in Business Administration and doctoral credits in Environmental Impact and Sustainability. He is also a Corporate Consultant, Social Analyst, and lecturer and contributor to the newspaper El Sol de Mazatlán. Starting September 2020, Alfonso is now a columnist for The Mazatlan Post as well.