Film school in Mexico is named one of the best in the world


Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica (CCC) is named one of the best film schools in the world

The Hollywood Reporter created a list that mentions the best film schools in the world, and the CCC is among them

Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica (CCC)

The pandemic and all that it has implied has brought endless challenges to all those who are dedicated to filmmaking. As a ladder, the confinement and the sanitation measures have made the cinemas, the filmmakers, the filming and the most important film schools in our country reinvent themselves. At the CCC, they have managed to overcome these challenges little by little and their efforts are being seen around the world since The Hollywood Reporter magazine has put it on the list of ‘The best schools to study film in 2020’.

The Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica (CCC) is putting Mexico’s name high by having entered the list of the 15 best film schools in the world. It occupies a place alongside institutions such as the Australian School of Film, Television, and Radio, from which the writer and director Jane Campion ( El Piano – 90% ), David White (sound editor for Mad Max: Furia En El Camino – 97% ) and Margaret Sixel ( Mad Max: Fury Road Editing ); the Vancouver Film School, SAE Institute, the National Film and Television School from which Roger Deakins graduated, London Film School, to name a few.

All these schools were part of a list that appeared in the printed version of The Hollywood Reporter magazine. The article focused on mentioning schools around the world that have managed to adapt to the challenges that the coronavirus came to create, showing resilience and a worthy academic offer that allows their students to continue entering into film knowledge. As for the CCC, its description in this list says:

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All classes have changed online at Mexico’s main film school, founded in 1975. As part of its virtual curriculum, the school is uploading movies to the streaming platform of the Instituto Mexicano del Cine, as well as on its own social media channels, with many new titles accessible for free.

Just in 2020, the Cinematographic Training Center celebrates 45 years of training young filmmakers. Over the years he has managed to confront from presidents who have wanted to end school, to pandemics that force them to find different ways of making movies. For being partying, the magazine Proceso has also done a report in which it interviews different personalities who have been part of the ranks of students of this institution and its director, Alfredo Loaeza, who highlights that the CCC was not conceived as a school for scholars or academics, but for all those who would like to become qualified in the trades of cinema, highlighting that the whole context in which the 45th anniversary takes place is very significant:

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It is very significant that the 45th anniversary occurs in these conditions because it moves us to find ways to connect with our community in all areas: in education and in film production, because the number of minutes of stories that are produced in the CCC per year, it is more than in any production house.

The CCC has obtained more than 700 national and international awards and recognitions and is part of the International Association of Film and Television Schools and the International Federation of Film Archives.

Despite the circumstances, this year the CCC continues to win, since the documentary short film Adiós, adiós, adiós, directed by Ricardo Castro and produced by the Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica won third place in the documentary category of the 15th CILECT Prize that awarded by the International Association of Film and Television Schools.

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The Mexico City Post