A great success the megadance in Plaza Hijas de Tampico


The megadance in Plaza Hijas de Tampico, enlivened by outstanding exponents of tropical cumbia, allowed Tamaulipas and visitors to activate themselves by bringing out their best dance steps on an unforgettable Sunday.

It was at 3:00 p.m. when the members of La Potencia Musical de la Cherna ‘El Chucho de Oro’, went up to the esplanade to make the central esplanade of the New Markets of this port rumble with their melodies, from where hundreds of people admired this live concert.

While at the root of the ground of Plaza Hijas de Tampico, dozens of couples of friends and lovers did not stop dancing to the rhythm of melodies such as dancing until dawn, the meneito; the ca cha guao, the cumbia of the popcorn, among others.

Recently the organizer of this event, Francisco ‘Pareja’ Santacruz, announced that this activity would be the first big dance they perform during 2024, with an afternoon for those who want to spend a time of rhythm and flavor, and above all it is completely free.

A great musical program

In addition, this super dance has a musical program integrated by two outstanding exponents of tropical cumbia, in a hand-to-hand that promises to make everyone dance, starting with the music of La Potencia Musical de la Cherna ‘El Chucho de Oro’.

To later continue with the participation of Adrián García ‘El Rey del Sabor’, which would become a spectacle in which each of the performers of the great hits will be able to put high the fusion of their melodies and thus place themselves in the taste of the followers of the ‘wewa’.

Let us remember that these ‘bailongos’, surrounded by the New Markets of Tampico, the Ex Customs and the Railroad Station, hundreds of families left for a few moments those worries and problems of the January slope to enjoy an unforgettable Sunday.

Keep in mind that Plaza Hijas de Tampico has become a forum for various musical expressions, and the megadance enlivened by outstanding exponents of tropical cumbia was no exception as it allowed Tamaulipas and visitors to bring out their best dance steps.

Source: El Sol de Tampico