Restaurant owners will not pay a month of Payroll Tax in CDMX


The Government Secretariat reported that it agreed with the sector that the next work table will be held on Wednesday, January 13, where a possible date for the reopening of restaurants will be determined.

The Government of Mexico City and the restaurant industry agreed that they will not pay the Payroll Tax (ISN) for the month of January, an amount that adds up to 20 million pesos.

In addition, workers are already benefiting as waiters with 100,000 direct supports for 2,200 pesos, totaling 220 million pesos.

In an information card, the Government Secretariat reported that it agreed with the sector that the next roundtable will be held on Wednesday, January 13, where a possible date for the reopening of restaurants will be determined.

This meeting took place after at least 600 restaurateurs signed a letter that it was necessary to open because they are in danger of disappearing. In addition, this Monday 4 restaurateurs applied disobedience and opened businesses.

The health emergency caused by Covid-19 has forced the authorities to avoid crowds and this sector has been one of the hardest hit, according to the statements.

The ministries of Government (SECGOB), Economic Development (SEDECO), Tourism (SECTUR), the Digital Agency for Public Innovation (ADIP), and mayors held a working table with the restaurant sector on Monday.

During the virtual session, the Secretary of Government, José Alfonso Suárez del Real y Aguilera, celebrated the willingness to build dialogue between authorities and the food union.

He also assured that they are working to achieve a moderation between health and the economy.

“I would like the debate to be a constructive dialogue. We are looking for how we can perfectly balance health and economic needs and, in this context, we are counting on you, as you are the first contact we have with these businesses, ”said Suárez del Real y Aguilera.

In the same sense, the head of the Ministry of Economic Development, Fadlala Akabani Hneide, commented that the gradual reopening of restaurants will be a joint effort and highlighted the participation of citizens to reduce infections and hospitalizations due to the new virus.

“Facing this pandemic is everyone’s responsibility and only in this way can we reverse its effects, so we will never stop having and proposing dialogue. Therefore, we will install the work tables that are necessary to reach an agreement ”, said Akabani Hneide.


The Mexico City Post