Expedia Group reveals that 50% of tourists want to travel next year


A study conducted by Expedia Group Media Solutions revealed travel trends for next year, in which it stands out that one in two travelers has an outing planned in the next 12 months.

Within the framework of the Expedia Group annual conference, explore ’20, the results of the study were presented, which is based on the opinion of 11 thousand travelers from 11 countries, including Mexico, with different demographic variables so that the data would give a more comprehensive analysis of trends.

Although the survey speaks of the great interest of tourists to resume their trips, these should be under careful measures so that for their peace of mind they require cleanliness, flexibility and precise communication to consider the destinations to which they will go.

Expedia Group points out that 75 percent of those surveyed consider it important to maintain measures such as the use of face masks, contactless services, and flexibility in changes, which include refunds and cancellation policies.

Due to the Covid pandemic, two-thirds of the travelers consulted by the travel company canceled their planned departure this year, and only one third made the trip in these months. Of these, eight out of 10 did so to rest and enjoy a change of place and climate, as well as to visit family and friends.

“The new research provides insight into the steps travel brands can take to reassure and connect with travelers as they begin to research, plan and book again,” said Monya Mandich, vice president of Global Marketing, Expedia Group Media Solutions.

Travel agencies resumed their role as predominant advisers, as 24 percent of tourists say that they will go more to them to find out about the destinations and the conditions in which they are; while specialized websites increased 20 percent in queries.

The information that destinations emit through images or informative messages will influence 20 percent more in the travel decision than it did before the pandemic, this reflects the change in the priorities of travelers, who now weigh more the measures health, over other issues.

During the two days of its annual meeting, Expedia Group presented updates to the technological tools it offers so that the travel ecosystem can provide travelers with the service they require based on these new interests.

Source: nitu.mx

Mexico Daily Post