AMLO government goes after trusts, pensions, and international reserves


The López Obrador government is bankrupt, why are they surprised that it looks under the stones for the money they need to continue funding the political-assistance programs and the construction of the refinery that is on the Dos Bocas lake, the airport of the mammoths, and the train that will devastate the jungle of the southeast of the country.

The trusts, the Afores “pensions”, and the international reserves of Banco de México are in the sights of the government of the self-proclaimed 4Q and will not rest until the resources they manage to enter the coffers of the SHCP.

Under the pretext of the pandemic, they are pulling money from all sides, but the paradox is that no resources have been directly channeled, for example, to establish a fund to help companies or even more, budget to the health sector or entities federative.

Se privatizaron los ahorros de los trabajadores con las Afores, como dice  AMLO? | Alto Nivel

In summary, the resources resulting from the debt that the Mexican government has contracted and now the banknote of the trusts will not counteract the effects of the health and economic crisis, but rather to strengthen the electoral purposes of the President of the Republic

From San Lázaro, proposals have arisen from PT deputies, so as not to be so obvious, about appropriating international reserves to prop up the Q4 project and to “combat the marginalization and poverty of the people.”

An example that highlights the need to obtain fresh resources was what the deputies of Morena and allies tried to do, through legislative chicanery, typical of bandits of the worst kind, with the more than 33 billion pesos from the Protection Fund against Catastrophic Expenses

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The deputies of the PAN, PRI, MC, and PRD, as well as the non-party deputy, Carlos Morales, members of the Budget and Public Account Commission, decided to leave the session of the same, before what they described as a legislative launching, in the that it was intended to add a temporary one to have more than 33 billion pesos from the Catastrophic Expenses Protection Fund.

The agenda, which fortunately has not prospered, was promoted by Morena’s deputy, César Agustín Hernández Pérez, who presented a reservation with the intention of adding, through a transitory article, that resources be transferred from the Protection Fund against Catastrophic Expenses, which are labeled in the budget as a fund for health and well-being, so they would automatically be made available to the Ministry of Finance.

Before this dawn, the dissatisfied legislators, in defense of public resources, decided to withdraw because that trust was not part of the list of those that originally considered the opinion disappear. This maneuver was intended to direct resources directly to the Ministry of Finance to channel them supposedly to attend the pandemic caused by Covid-19, when these resources are already labeled and intended for protection in cases of serious diseases.

These resources are the only alternative available to the population that does not have social security, that is, that is not protected by the IMSS, nor by the ISSSTE, or any other health system that could provide medical care, so It is the last resort for the general population to face chronic diseases or serious diseases that would affect their scarce assets. The Catastrophic Expenses Protection Fund attends about 65 listed ailments, which enable the request for resources, among which are cancer, liver, and kidney diseases, among others.

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The legislators of the PAN, PRI, MC, and PRD argue that “it is true that the pandemic demands economic resources, but they cannot be taken away from a fund that cares for the sufferings of the lowest income people. Instead of extinguishing this fund, it should be valued that these resources come from the large infrastructure projects that the President currently has, and thus have more than 100 billion pesos that represent the three main works: the Mayan Train, the refinery of Dos Bocas, and the Santa Lucía airport ”.


Mexico Daily Post