Former mayor of Apatzingán, Michoacán executed outiside the barbershop


The former municipal president of Apatzingán, Michoacán, César Chávez Garibay, was murdered by armed men when he was leaving a barbershop with his son on Monday, October 5th.

According to local media, the former mayor was shot at around 2:00 p.m. on October 5, in a barbershop located on Calle José María Chico, 163, in the Las Palmas neighborhood of the municipality of Apatzingán, Michoacan.

The Attorney General of the State of Michoacán pointed out that the former official died when he was being treated in a hospital, after being wounded by a firearm, for which reason the corresponding investigations have already been initiated to clarify the facts.

Given the fact, Silvano Aureoles, governor of the state, regretted the murder of the also former local representative, whom he described as ” a man of great openness and commitment ” with the responsibilities that he had to carry out.

“I have instructed the Public Security Secretariat of Michoacán to cooperate in everything necessary with the Michoacán Prosecutor’s Office, so that this fact does not go unpunished. To his family and friends, our solidarity embrace and condolences, “wrote Aureoles Conejo in a publication on social networks.

Source: Notimex

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