What You Should Know About Tab Scanners


If you are the owner of a small business or own a venue that relies on online ticketing sales, then you may be somewhat familiar with the idea of tab scanners, and know what they can offer your enterprise. If not, then basically, tab scanners represent the latest in digital receipt data extraction, that does not endanger you or your customer’s personal information. The following should help provide more information regarding this latest technological advancement, and how it can prove beneficial to your operations.

The Software

Tab scanners are based on Optical Character Recognition software, better known as OCR. The result is a bit similar to a barcode that you would typically see on a product in the supermarket, for example. It converts printed characters into digital text, in such a way that allows for search functions and for the information to be scanned easily. This is a sophisticated and easy way to keep data safe and allows for quick processing times when you are making sales.

Keep Track of the History

The technology allows for easy scanning of multiple items since you can move the scanner closer or farther away according to the size of the code, and do it quickly without running into a technical snafu. The information captured in the receipt OCR will be stored in a server that allows for others in your company to use it easily, while also maintaining excellent record-keeping that allows for access to your scan history. This is great since the history logs important metadata points such as the event or product name, the time it was purchased, the location, any badges used for access, and so on. This further prevents the possibility of theft or people scalping concert tickets, for instance.

Business Transactions Run Smoother

It can be very frustrating to have to retype over and over again anything you have lost. With the technology, you don’t have to redo any work in the event you lose or accidentally delete an important digital file. If you still have the hard copy, simply replicate it within the system utilizing the OCR software so that you scan the paper original within a matter of minutes. No stress and no time wasted having to repeat an already redundant task.

Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/christiaancolen/25885037423

Ditch the File Cabinet

With the OCR technology, it’s easier than ever to scan and file away thousands and thousands of documents without taking up a bunch of space or paying extra to maintain hard copies. You can simply convert much of your essential communiques into digital files, and back them up using any digital storage that is most convenient for your mode of work.

Yes, there can be lots of drawbacks to atomization and an over-reliance on digital files. At the same time, employing the proper amount of balance to your businesses’ key functions and understanding the benefits of strong, new technologies such as OCR can be a lifesaver. Research it a bit more, and get to know the benefits and how they can be applied to your core operations.

The Mazatlan Post